Gastelum, Ramiro
Six rules to make someone like you
1) Become genuinely interested in other people.
Image result for being interested with others  To be a good listener you need to consider other people thoughts and feeling to show that you care. When you show someone that you actually care they will like you because you're showing a sign of respect. I know when i talk to someone i want them to ignore everything and pay attention to me. That's how i know they're showing me their full respect.

2)  Smile 
Image result for smile   Smiling may show other people what your current tone is. If you seem sad or mad it may affect other peoples mood. I know from experience because I once had a friend who was always in a bad mood, and it will always drain my friends and I mood. So it really does affect someone with their emotions if your not in a good mood. 

3)  Remember names
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   Remembering names is also important because some people may see it ass a sign of respect. I know that if someone would remember my name I would think of them as someone who pays attention to my character. Remembering someones name is like remembering their character which is very important so in the future you could perhaps make them a friend or someone you enjoy talking to. Remembering names can lead you to making a new friend, such as when you see them in the hallway at school and you want to say hey and then you call them by their name. Also when you work its just more of a professional way to approach someone is a polite manner. 

4) Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves.
Image result for be a good listenerTo be a good listener is to be involved and a good sport. Even if that means you are listening to someones problems from home or their job or something, talking to someone and letting it out may help one another. it could even help you feel relieved or a stress reliever. Not a lot of people enjoy to listen to other people problems because they think its annoying or rude to talk about their personal life to someone. I for sure know I listen to other people when they feel like speaking about something because when that problem comes to me and I feel like talking to someone, I would want the same person to do the same thing and listen to my problems.

5) Talk in terms of the other man's interest.
Image result for good terms   To talk in terms, is to make an agreement about something. Leaving it on good/great terms can be another word for it. Many people like to leave things on good terms because why would you want to keep arguing with someone from the past, or such as a previous fight. You also have to see things from the other persons perspective and you have to take it into consideration, and not be so selfish about certain topics. For example if you get into a argument with a man at the store for the last bottle of soda, and you think you have the right to get it, yet he also thinks the same thing. Then something like that you guys would need to end up on good terms because you're seeing things from both perspectives and think none of you guys should  get the soda.

6) Make the other person feel important--and do it sincerely.
Image result for making someone feel importantTo make someone feel important you must treat them like they are important. Making someone feel important can be a helpful thing to do just in case someone has low self esteem, making them feel important can be a very beneficial thing to do towards others. it can be beneficial in a way that you would never imagine. I once saw this post on social media and it was about someone who was feeling down about themselves and a friend helped them by asking them for a favor and making them feeling needed and wanted. So it could help others that you wouldn't believe. Doesn't matter if its friends or family, you should always make someone feel important and actually be sincere about it. theres no point in  making someone feel important if its not coming from the heart.

overall reflection:
   Overall, these six rules on how to make someone like you has made me realize that it's important to show others that you care, listen,and actually take other peoples thoughts into consideration. That shows that your a good a sport and that you have a warm heart. Its very important when it comes to finding a job because when you apply to jobs that is what many managers see. They want to see if you're going to be greeting the costumers they way they should be treated. Obviously if you make people like you then it would be easy for you to work somewhere when communication or social skills are one of the most important skills you need. Whether you care or not if people like you its always important to show others that you are outgoing and are social with many people.


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