Freelance post

Gastelum, Ramiro 
Block: 5
Image result for las vegas

 Freelance Post
Just a couple days ago there was a shooting in Las Vegas and when I heard about it I didn't really know how to react because it was shocking. My family and I were talking about that topic and we were discussing how crazy it is how that could run through someones mind, to kill others is bad especially if they're innocent. Then we saw a couple day later that the man who did that murdering actually fought in the war so did his father. That still doesn't explain why he did what he did because it was cruel. I know I saw on social media that the guy probably had post traumatic stress disorder but even if he did he knew where there was going to be a lot of people or even when there was a certain event because the day he shot Las Vegas there was a concert that a lot of people were coming from. It also turned out that his dad had escaped from prison, and some people may also think that his father encouraged him to do what he did, and the guy probably didn't want to let his father down and wanted to make him proud by doing something that his father could have done.


  1. wow such a touching post, great job man !

  2. I was shocked as well, keep up the great writing!

  3. It was shocking news for everyone, and I'm pretty sure that everyone who lost a love one from that day, is hurting. Loving your idea to the post.

  4. Keep up the great writing Ramiro!! : )

  5. Wow Ramiro this really touched my heart. Great writing skills and keep on Choosing the Right because if you CTR you can never go wrong. We should hang out and study together one day :)


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